Monday, May 11, 2015

Modern Marketers Converge in Sydney

Modern Marketing was the phrase of the day as industry leaders gathered to hear about the latest advances in digital marketing for the Asia Pacific leg of the ‘Oracle Marketing Cloud Modern Marketing Tour’.

Those present witnessed presentations from Christian Hyland, Senior Manager Strategic Consulting Oracle Marketing Cloud, Steve Krause, Oracle Marketing Cloud Group Vice President, Product Management, Mark Taylor, Head of Marketing and Jackie Hill, Group Marketing Manager from Yatango, along with Martyn Raab, Director of Commercial, Business Development and CRM at Network Ten.

Christian Hyland opened the conference presenting a vision of modern marketing with the discussion around the challenges modern marketers are facing today.

Steve Krause followed with a demonstration of the Oracle Marketing Cloud suite, and outlined how these technologies come together to orchestrate great customer experiences. This included look-a-like modelling - the latest Oracle Marketing Cloud offering which enables marketers to pull together data sitting in web analytics, email marketing and marketing automation tools, and transforms it into audience data ready for target.

In addressing one of the key challenges marketers are facing - how to connect disparate interactions a brand has with a customer - Steve demonstrated the Oracle ID graph, which can tie these pieces of information together to form a holistic view of a customer, and enables marketers to communicate with them in more relevant and personal ways.

Data was a topical talking point with all presenters discussing ways in which they are managing customer data to create great and personal customer experiences. We were delighted to announce the opening of our Oracle Australian data centre, with a facility in Sydney, to accommodate the growth of business to business Oracle Marketing Cloud customers. The Sydney data centre will support businesses who want to have local marketing in country data due to regulatory, data sovereignty and privacy requirements.

The Modern Marketing Panel debated the topic of head verses heart related marketing, discussing such topics as ‘Is there room for gut feel in marketing?’ and ‘If you can’t measure it does it exist?’ and ‘What do the future skills of a modern marketer look like?’

It was a great afternoon with lively conversation and much networking – be sure to check out the rest of the photos of the event here.

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