Thursday, May 7, 2015

Tivoli Gardens Creates Digital Magic With An Omni-Channel Approach

With so many potential customers using digital devices, brands can no longer just rely on their offline presence. However, many companies find it challenging to bring their physical brand to life digitally. Websites are often perceived as faceless and impersonal, so companies need to find innovative ways of expressing their personality on these digital platforms.

Another challenge in today’s digital world is that consumers flit between numerous devices and expect every interaction with the brand to be consistent. No matter which channel the audience is interacting with a brand on, marketers need to meet expectations.

For Tivoli Gardens, Denmark’s number one tourist attraction and amusement park, the difficulty was creating the same enchanting experience online that its physical setting provides. The Gardens welcome approximately four million visitors every year who come for the rollercoasters, cultural events, concerts, festivals and the gourmet restaurants, but it was missing out on an even bigger potential audience by not utilising online channels fully.

The company was also finding it hard to understand their audience due to internal silos of data. Annual cardholders were—in theory—supplying highly specific behaviour data by swiping their card at the entrance, but it was impossible for the marketing team to turn this data into actionable insights without IT integration.

Tivoli partnered with Oracle Marketing Cloud’s Gold Partner Magnetix to solve this. They overhauled its fragmented IT system to create a true omni-channel experience that would reflect the ambience of the park. Working with Magnetix, Tivoli Gardens integrated a new CMS platform with Tivoli's park management-systems, data warehouse solution, and the marketing automation capabilities of Oracle Marketing Cloud.

As a result, Tivoli now delivers a consistent brand experience across its e-commerce site, website, self-service kiosks in the park, and social media. As part of this omni-channel strategy, onsite kiosks provide customers with park information and allow them to exchange day tickets for season passes - a great upsell opportunity for the park in busy seasons. In addition, a location-aware mobile presence enables Tivoli to share targeted, relevant offers with visitors and potential customers. The solution detects whether customers are inside or outside the attraction, and provides relevant suggestions.

The focus on providing a seamless omni-channel experience to customers improved sales dramatically for Tivoli Gardens. The company saw a 41% increase in sales on the e-commerce platform, and after making the self-service kiosks inside the park part of the technical solution, self-service revenue increased by 44%.

Tivoli Gardens also analysed the performance of its website, which historically had low engagement rates and visits, and this rose significantly following implementation of the omni-channel strategy. The result was 4.4 million visits to the website in a single year!

The value of investing in an omni-channel presence and the importance of offering customers a joined up experience in the digital world is clear. The goal in tying channels together was to collect a single holistic view of each individual visitor for Tivoli, which could help the team understand where the visitor would go next in the customer journey. With internal silos gone and a powerful omni-channel presence firmly created, Tivoli Gardens now has the magic touch across its digital and physical channels to drive even more new visitors to its park, as well as convert existing customers into annual cardholders.

To learn more about Tivoli Gardens, be sure to download the case study here.

PLUS you will also want to download the Modern Marketing Essentials Guide to Cross Channel Marketing.

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