Thursday, June 4, 2015

Why You Need to Start Creating Visual Content

Back in the day, infographics were used to visualize data. Presenting data visually was a super-handy technique if you had a lot of complex data and needed a way to translate it.

Today, infographics are used to visualize content. In some cases, you’ll find the infographic that visualizes basic data. It’s more rare to find an infographic that displays a large amount of complex data. But more often than not, you’ll find infographics displaying simple data or visualizing content.

And the practice of presenting content in images goes beyond infographics. Vox is leading the way with videos instead of plain-text content. Want to know about Deflategate? Instead of reading a long Wikipedia article, watch this 1 ½ minute video that breaks down the entire scandal.

Funders and Founders produces graphs that visualize content. Here’s the depiction of Paul Graham’s Do Things That Don’t Scale essay.

Snapguide writes visual-based guides. They keep the text minimal and focus on the visuals.

The Washington Post uses photography to tell stories. Take in the day’s news by viewing photographs with short captions.

None of this means written content is dead. It does mean that content is changing.

What visualization does is solve problems for people. The attention span for your average adult is no more than a couple of minutes. Visualizing content allows readers/viewers to take in content in a much shorter amount of time. This is your opportunity if you’re a content marketer. People want answers, and most of them don’t want to sift through a 2,000-word blog post to get the gist of it. If you can consistently create visualized content, you’ll be two steps ahead of most of your competitors.

Today’s post shows you the best ways to visualize content. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that it’s in infographic form.

The Ultimate Guide to Creating Visually Appealing Content
Courtesy of: Quick Sprout

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